

Irish and Israeli collaboration on innovative lens testing technology

DesignPro Engineering Manager, Patrick Downes and Duma Optronics CTO, Oren Aharon at a recent visit to the Duma Optronics Ltd facility.  At the end of 2018 DesignPro Automation (Limerick, Ireland) secured funding from MANUNET for a €1.1M project to develop Optical Lens Testing technology for high-volume, automated lens production. The […]


Best SME at Limerick Chamber Regional Awards

Redmond Mc Donnell, Financial Director; Paul Collins, Managing Director and Madeleine Collins, Quality Manager, DesignPro Automation. It’s been quite a month for us on the awards circuit here in DesignPro. On the 2nd November, the company took home an overall National Award for our Innovative Designs at the Deloitte Fast […]

Our Innovative Design Takes Top Technology Award At Deloittes Fast 50

David Shanahan, Partner, Deloitte, Koushik Chandrashekar, Paul Collins, DesignPro Automation and Louise Kelly, Deloitte. On Friday 2nd November 50 of Irelands most progressive company’s gathered in Dublin to celebrate their achievements and discover their ranking at the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards 2018. We were among the attendees on the […]


Launch of Our New Dedicated Robotics Branch

It’s been an exciting week here at DesignPro, on Tuesday 25th September we launched a new dedicated Robotics division which will trade as a separate sister branch; DesignPro Robotics. Having secured funding from Enterprise Ireland to the value of €534,000 to drive recruitment and growth over the next two years, […]